This semester has been quite a journey for me. I have been introduced to so many brilliant people and resources I don't know where to even begin. I created a Symbaloo page at the beginning of the summer to store all the websites I find useful. I have this set as my homepage and use it daily. One of the greatest additions to my personal learning network was Dr. Will Deyamport. Not only did he introduce me to #ntchatp, which is a weekly educational chat on Twitter, he has also introduced me to Aaron Koleda and Jamie Vandergrift. There are so many resources available through Twitter that these educators have showed me, I am so thankful. I have learned of some great technology resources throughout the semester as well. iCurio, DiscoveryEd, Edmodo, numerous iPad apps, and Padlet. The teachers that I have had the opportunity to leave comments on have been great! Dr. Deyamport was one, Dean Shereski, Steven Anderson, and Hadley, J F all had great blogs and very helpful to a young future educator. The videos that Dr. Strange had us summarize and evaluate this semester have all been informational and interesting to watch. I have so much to take with me from educators and websites, to inspirational videos on YouTube. I can only thank Dr. Strange and his EDM 310 staff for everything they have shared with me!
Wonderful! And you are welcome!